Forum Discussion

JulieStoltz-e35's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Articulate forcing TLS 1.0

Our company is struggling to figure out why Articulate updates for Storyline won't install, why access to some Content Library is denied in multiple applications, and why actions requiring internet in Storyline are unable to recognize an internet connection despite being there. 

Articulate support has thus far been ineffective in helping. Today our IT Manager was able to discover a serious security issue. Apparently Articulate is forcing TLS 1.0, despite their claims to be fully supporting 1.2. We require 1.2 and until this "bug" is resolved it presents a huge problem for us. 

Mostly I am curious if any others are experiencing this as well, since I have so far found nothing about this either in the community or online. I wonder if other users are merely allowing 1.0 by default, or oversight, and this is plaguing others, as well. Or if it is only something in our configuration we can correct.


Thanks for any feedback!

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