Forum Discussion

AreumKim-Lee's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

Articulate Storyline Crashing


Is anyone else having continuous issues with Storyline 360 crashing and corrupting the files? My team and I have been trying to edit the same file on various computers and even copied all the slides to a new file, but we cannot get Storyline to work. 

I am also having the file save new versions of itself over and over and am receiving this error when I save a new version of the file

I haven't had any response from my ticket so am getting desperate as we have deadlines to meet. 



  • Hi Areum, I haven't seen similar problems reported on the forums recently. If it is a widespread issue, there is usually a lot more noise on the forums. I occasionally get the error you are seeing if somebody else has left the file open, or dropbox is currently syncing the file. Do you have your files located on a shared drive? Is it possible something else has hold of it when you try and open it?

  • Hi Areum,

    I'm sorry you're running into these issues! I see that my teammate, Hazel, reached out in your case and provided some next steps.

    Be sure to let her know if the suggestions helped or not, and keep at it with her to get to the root of the issue!