Forum Discussion

WendyMoon-7ad21's avatar
Community Member
11 months ago

Assessment Not Playing in Storyline


I built a standard Storyline course. When I click Next on the Assessment information slide the assessment is not playing. 

I had the default go to next slide when user clicks next trigger, that didn't advance to the assessment. 

I tried using "Just to Draw from question bank" when user clicks next. it worked once but now its not.

I added a trigger on the Results Failure slide to subtract 1 from the QuestionCount when user select Review Quiz button. Now the assessment does not play at all. 

Are the triggers confusing the program? I'm beating my head on desk. 

I'm half tempted to scrap this and rebuild it in Rise. Can someone please review the Assessment slide and the question bank slide? I don't know what I did wrong. 

  • Hello Wendy, 

    Happy to help!

    I also ran into the reported behavior when I tested your project file. I was able to restore the functionality of the slide by importing your entire project over to a new project file. This usually indicates that something may have gotten corrupted in your original project, causing the navigation to temporarily stop working. Here's an article which discusses possible causes of data corruption, as well as how to avoid them. 

    I've attached a fixed version of your project file. Let me know if you need anything else!

  • Hi Wendy,

    I was able to fix the Draw from Question Bank slide by renaming  your question bank in the Manage Question Banks settings. I renamed it back to original name. Please find the attached edited .story file. See if you can fix your file by following step 1 and step 2 (attached photos). 

  • Is it possible to view the assessment questions in the meta.xml file after the course is published?

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Ramesh,

      Happy to help!

      The meta.xml file of the published output won't contain any of the questions from the course. The best way to generate a file that contains all of the questions included in the course is by creating a translation document for Microsoft Word

      They would look something like this in the resulting Word document: 

      Hope this helps!

  • Thanks Jose Tansengco for your quick respond.

    I need one more question clarity. After publishing the course file.

    In that folder to view the assessment questions and answers it is possible.

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hello Ramesh,

      There isn't a file or folder in the published output that would contain the quiz questions and answers of the course. You'll need to open the .story project file of the course if you need to retrieve the questions and assessments or use the method that I described in my previous response.

  • JanetCC's avatar
    Community Member

    I am having a similar issue. The first time I go through the course and take the assessment which is drawn from a question bank, everything works correctly. 

    But if I try to retake the assessment, I can't get past the assessment intro page. I click Next to start the assessment again but the cursor just spins and nothing loads.

    I've imported the slides into a new project, have renamed the question bank, have duplicated the question bank and reattached slides and it still doesn't work.

    Any suggestions? Thanks!

    • Hi Janet!

      It sounds like you've hit a snag when attempting to retake a quiz from your course.

      I see you've already opened a support case and shared your file with our support team. Smart move! It looks like my teammate John Carlo is handling your case and replied to your e-mail with some follow-up questions.

      We can continue troubleshooting through your case to help keep all information in one spot.