Forum Discussion

CarolynFitzp713's avatar
Community Member
7 months ago

Audio plays in timeline but not during preview

This is my first time working with audio in Storyline, though I've done plenty of projects without audio. I'm trying to add just a basic click sound when learners click a button. The triggers all look correct me: "When the user clicks Start button play audio 1." But when I preview the project, I don't hear anything. I tried publishing to Rise and it doesn't play the audio there either. 

The audio plays fine from the timeline, and I have the volume controls turned on in the player. They are one second long mp3 files. What might be preventing the sound effects from playing? 


  • Hi Carolyn, are you able to share a stripped down example of this so i can take a look for you?

  • I've attached the whole project, since it is something that I'm just making for practice.

    I applied a sound effect to all the navigation buttons - continue, left, right, and home. But the sound still doesn't play during preview. 

  • Hi Carolyn, the issue you are finding with this is, because your trigger is going to another slide, the navigation is taking place before the audio has chance to play.

    I also noticed, the the Play audio trigger was after Jump to slide. Swapping these didn't have any impact unfortunately.

    I think it's going to be quite an arduous task to set this up so that the audio plays and then navigates. Basically, you would need to give the audio opportunity to play, and then have the navigation trigger on media complete.

    This is fine on the first slide, as there is navigation in only one direction, but for other slides it is more complex.

    What I have done on slide 1.2 is given all of the navigation buttons an extra state "selected". I then placed the buttons into a button set by selecting all of those buttons, right click and select Button Set (I had to modify your home button so it wasn't a group to do this). Adding the buttons to a set means only one at time can be in the "selected" state. We can then use that to determine where to navigate to when the audio has finished playing.

    See the attached file for an implementation example.


  • Thanks, Sam! That makes total sense!

    I recreated your edits in the attached file, along with some sound effects for individual actions on the slides. I can hear the sound effects now, but the navigation doesn't always happen like it is supposed to.

    When I previewed it, I could click around the room by using the left arrow button repeatedly. When I completed the circle, I started clicking around with the right button and it randomly starts going to the wrong slide. I checked the interactions and everything seemed to be correct so I tried the preview again. This time I could click around successfully by clicking the right arrow repeatedly, and it only went wonky when I started using the left arrow. 

    I don't see any triggers that would cause the buttons to work sometimes but not others.