Forum Discussion
8 days agoCommunity Member
Bonjour mon application bureau n'apparait plus et je n'ai plus accès aux fonctionnalités IA
- JudyNolletSuper Hero
Sign out of the Articulate360 desktop app. Then sign back in. That should reset the app to show the desktop applications.
Google translation: Déconnectez-vous de l'application de bureau Articulate360. Reconnectez-vous ensuite. Cela devrait réinitialiser l'application pour afficher les applications de bureau.
- CegapeFormationCommunity Member
thank you Judy it seems to be working now. Thank you for your help
Hi CegapeFormation!
Sorry to hear you're having issues accessing the Articulate 360 desktop applications!
Glad to see Judy has been helping you. I noticed you've opened a support case as well! As Judy shared, we've seen other users correct this behavior by signing out of the Articulate 360 desktop app, then back in.
Please let me know if that does the trick!