Forum Discussion

SamuelHelms's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Button conditions not triggering 'Next' unless layer is open

Hi everyone,

I have been trying to troubleshoot these slides and for the life of me, I cannot figure out why one works and the others don't.

The menu is locked so Next is disabled until the user clicks on all the buttons on the slide. I set up a global trigger to change the state of Next to "Normal" when the states of all the buttons is "selected" or "visited." However, on only some slides, this only works if the layer is open. As soon as the user closes the layer, the next button deactivates. I want the 'Next' button to stay active.

The attachment makes this clearer. The slide '1.2 Essential Duties' works properly. Even after the user closes all the layers, the next button is still active.

However, the other two slides (1.1 and 1.3) do not work properly. If the layers are closed (using the X), the next button disables again.

Why does 1.2 work and the other two do not? I can't for the life of me see what the difference is.

Thanks everyone!

  • Hi Samuel

    for slide 1.1 you are using the 'selected' state instead of visited state in your triggers

    for slide 1.3 you don't need to have a trigger to change state to 'visited' as it is an in-built state. See your file - I deleted those triggers and 1.3 works by enabling the Next button once all images have been visited.

    I also deleted triggers on the layers - once you hide the layer it returns to the slide you don't need to also trigger a jump to the slide

    See if the attached update to your file is working how you want

  • Hi Samuel,

    Thanks for reaching out! 

    I can see that you do indeed have triggers put in place that override the restricted navigations in your slides. I went ahead and opened a case on your behalf so our support team can take a closer look at your project file to figure out what's happening. Someone from our team will be in touch with you shortly, and we can continue this conversation there.

  • mandy_lasky's avatar
    Community Member

    One possibility is the "jump to this slide" triggers on each of your layers on 1.1. Disable those, and I think you may have better luck. I think you can also remove the variables and all triggers on the layers, except for the "hide layer" trigger. 

    I'm actually not seeing the issue on 1.3 but that may be an error on my end. :)