Forum Discussion

JUSTINPage's avatar
Community Member
10 months ago

can not move triggers


Attached is my storyline slide. 

It works fine and has no issues.

To clean up my triggers besides grouping them i wanted to move them into a logical order but can't move triggers up or down.

From all the videos I watched (over 100) some triggers need to fire before others or they won't fire at all depending on say if your objects are now visited you never know because the first trigger is to reload the slide to original state

Many of the videos I watched about this are dated.  I couple years old at least.

Is it still the case i need to organize my triggers or did they change the software to process the triggers in any order?

clicking on the up and down arrows doesn't do anything.

Please see attached slide




  • It works fine and has no issues.

    This is a good sign that your slide needs no further work.

    i wanted to move them (triggers) into a logical order

    Your triggers are in a logical order. Since you don't know what order the learner will choose to click, you have no way of knowing which of the pics should be placed first. Even if you did, it doesn't matter. When one pic is clicked, only the triggers that have "when user clicks [that picture]" are executed. The rest are ignored, without regard to their location in the trigger list.

    From all the videos I watched (over 100) some triggers need to fire before others or they won't fire at all

    I'm unable to speak to the quality and accuracy of the videos you watched, but you can trust the posts on this forum. What they will tell you is that if you have a "Jump to ... slide" trigger, any triggers in the list below it that are initiated by the same action will not be executed because the system has moved on to the new slide and forgotten them.

    the first trigger is to reload the slide to original state

    Actually the first trigger is to set the Next button to Disabled. You can tell it is first because it fires when the timeline starts.

    The up and down arrows move only one kind of trigger: those that fire in response to the same action (whether they are grouped or not). You can change their position only within that group. Otherwise triggers are all tied to an action (like timeline starting), or an object (like pic blue men), and while you can move the objects on the timeline, you can't move them in the trigger list. 

    While you can change the order in the places where there are two or more triggers that are grouped under one object, I would advise against it. Your triggers are already in logical order: when the user clicks, the new layer is shown, and then the picture under it changes state.

    If I haven't understood what exactly you are asking, please clarify.