Forum Discussion

DavidIsoa-3c759's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Can we embed videos in Rise 360?

Hi, new user here. When I add a video block to a rise 360 course, it only allows MP4 upload. Can we embed or link a video?

  • Hi, I just tried doing this as we have videos in another system (EnableNow) and I want to be able to embed them in my Articulate course. However, it looked weird when I embedded it - it was a block and tiny writing and I was unable to format the title etc. Any ideas?

  • Hi there, Rachel!

    It sounds like you're using the Multimedia Embed block, is that right? If so, try embedding your video using an iFrame code in that block. 

    Copy the iFrame code below, and replace the bolded text with the video URL. Let me know if you'd like some help with that!

    <iframe src="Insert URL Here"></iframe>

    • RACHELSCHMITT's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks Alyssa!

      Next question is, is it possible to time stamp videos that are embedded? As in, just have the video play for a segment rather than the full video? For example, I only want to play from 1:15min - 1:45min of a 2 min video.

      • JoseTansengco's avatar

        Hi Rachel, 

        You can start an embedded video at a specific time by adding “?start=” to a video’s embed code, followed by the time in seconds at which you’d like the video to begin playing.


        <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="" width="420"></iframe>

        To specify the end time, you'll need to modify the URL a little bit more to include the end parameter like this: 


        Hope this helps!