Forum Discussion

SusanNabonne304's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Cannot Retake Quiz after Final "Tracking" Result Slide is Visited

I know I must be missing something easy here. I have a two-part assessment in the course (one after each section) and each with its own results slide used for feedback purposes. I have a final results slide that is used for tracking to the LMS. Once the learner hits the Final results slide they are unable to go back and change their answers for any of the questions which are all set to "reset to initial state". Is this expected functionality? 

  • Hi Susan,

    Have you tried adding a "Retry Quiz" button on your Results Slide? This button should allow you to restart the quiz from the beginning. Here is a video I recorded to help you along.

    Finding or Creating a Retry Quiz button

    If this doesn't help, would you be willing to share your file here or with our support engineers privately in a support case?

    Thanks for reaching out!

  • Thanks John. I am familiar with the Retry button. Let's take the situation for example that they exit the course without clicking the Retry Button and re-launch the course and start from the beginning, if the assessment questions are set to "Set to initial state" should they reset? Instead, they do not get the Submit button BUT their original choices are not saved either. I will be happy to submit it for review.

  • Hi Susan,

    Thanks for responding! Yes, the questions should be reset if they relaunch the course, I've tried some testing on my own file but I am getting a submit button. Would you be willing to share your file here or with our support engineers privately in a support case?

  • Hi John, I now have an open case but it appears that I must "reset" the result slide in order for the learner to be able to change their answers. Trying to work through what that looks like since these are two separate quizes. I don't want the learner to fail if they come back into the course in and retake only the first and then exit. 

  • Hi Susan,

    Thanks for the update! I see you are working with Luiza on this issue. You are in good hands! If you have any questions about this case, please respond to the support emails.