Forum Discussion
change 50 cursors all at once
So i checked a 3 page sample i made for the CSS-selector of the cursor on it. And in my sample that selector is all the same. Thus some simple lines of Javascript suffice to change the cursor.
You do need to check in your console, whether the selector for your cursor is the same. Do check 2 or 3 slides and test it. And offcourse you need the proper url for your cursor image. Then you can either add these lines to the Master Slide or just a the slide itself.
var elP1 = document.querySelector("#slide-window > div > div > div.slide-transition-container > div > div > div.slide-layer.base-layer.shown > div.slide-object.slide-object-image.shown > div > div > img");
var newSrc = "/C:/Users/Pc/Documents/My%20Articulate%20Projects/Untitled1/story_content/mouse_a29c7bcd-d948-49b3-9fe1-e7a8a8307670.png";,{attr:{src:newSrc}});
Do notice you need to change both the selector and the src url to yours.