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CodyWanberg-b7c's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

ChatGPT AI - A new starting point for content creation?

Recently I have been toying around with ways OpenAI’s ChatGPT could be used to help with my Learning and Development role. Before sharing a few ways I experimented with the tool, I want to share some thoughts to consider:

  • It helps to have short and clear statements. Avoid a narrative format and lean towards something more like a formal request or a recipe. 
  • The AI can be prompted to act/think from a specific role. Feel free to begin a prompt by telling it something like “I want you to act as a/an [insert role here].” 
  • If you don’t get a response that is usable, consider editing or adding to your prompt. You might also need to clarify or correct the AI by telling it what it got wrong. You might also try entering the same prompt again to see if the AI learned anything to improve its response. 
  • The tool does not know everything. Any content it produces will need to be proofread for accuracy. It is possible that the AI will produce content that is entirely inaccurate. The site also has disclaimers stating that the AI can be biased or produce harmful instructions. 
  • The tool will not know the specific context of your learners, so you will need to produce something generic and tailor it to your audience. 
  • Consult your company’s policies before using this tool at work. There might be restrictions or limitations around whether or not you can use this tool at work or for your role.  
  • Be aware that this is a research tool. Anything you type into the system might be read by a member of the training team that works to improve the tool. This means you should likely avoid using any sensitive, confidential, or personally identifiable information. 
  • Finally, this tool is very popular. The website gets a lot of traffic. You might not be able to use the tool if their server is at capacity. If that happens, try again later or try on another device. Sometimes I can access it from my phone even though my computer is getting the “we’ve reached capacity” message. 


Whew! Now that I’ve passed off some wisdom, let’s look at some example prompts I used recently:

  • Explainer video script: Write a script for an explainer video. The topic is “Definition of Done.” The script should be no longer than 60 seconds long.
    • Note: This response included both what to say and suggestions for visuals to use in the video.  
  • Video Script: Write a script that is 60 seconds long using casual but academic language talking about why it is important to have open and honest communication in the workplace.
    • Note: The response to this prompt produced a script that could easily be read in 60 seconds or less. 
  • Scenarios: Write a scenario about two individuals on a distributed team who are having challenges connecting virtually. One individual should live in Raleigh, North Carolina and the other should live in London. The scenario should be resolved in a way that is positive and productive.
    • Note: The scenario was both realistic and detailed. However, the resolution it suggested would not work for my company's context. I will need to remove that suggestion, replacing it with something appropriate for my audience. 
  • Test Question: Write a test question that has four options. Only one option can be correct. The question should say "What does it mean to be a life-long learner?"
    • Note: Although the AI wrote the question and four options, the options were lacking. It was obvious based on the length and tone which option was the correct answer. 
  • Rise Storyboard Structure: I want you to act as an eLearning designer. I will give you a topic and you will give me a storyboard for that topic. The storyboard should be designed for building in Articulate Rise and should include a summative assessment consisting of five multiple-choice questions. The first topic is, "How to lead engaging meetings."
    • Note: I was pretty surprised at the detail. I received a list of lessons to include and descriptions of what to cover in those lessons. The AI, however, did make activity recommendations that would not be suitable for Rise but seem to be designed for an ILT. 
  • Speech Writer: want you to act as a motivational speaker. Put together words that inspire action and make people feel empowered to do something beyond their abilities. You can talk about any topic but the aim is to make sure what you say resonates with your audience, giving them the incentive to work on their goals and strive for better possibilities. My first request is “I need a speech about how everyone should never give up.”
    • Note: I received a speech that was indeed motivational. The AI also gave it a title, “Never Give Up, Rise Up.” I also noticed that some of the themes/statements sounded familiar. If I were to use this speech, I would want to do an internet search to see if the AI pulled quotes or statements without attribution. 
  • Storyline Game Design: Design an eLearning game for Articulate Storyline that helps customer service professionals learn about how to manage difficult customers. The game should have clear rules, a scoring system, and an introduction describing both. Be sure to list the necessary variables,  triggers, and conditions that will need to be created for this game to function.
    • Note: The first time I entered this prompt, I got a response that was useful when it came to the overall structure of the game but lacking when it came to triggers and variables. I accidentally submitted the same prompt again and got something far more useful. The triggers were quite detailed and it even gave me If/Then conditions to use. 


Comment to share how you are using ChatGPT or other AI in your role or how you think it could benefit the L&D field. 

  • Hi Cody! This is such an interesting topic! I haven't dipped my toes into AI yet, but this definitely got me thinking more about it. Thank you for your post and for all the examples. I made a note to explore this a bit more. 

  • Hi Cody, I love this topic. I have shared this with my team. I tried the Rise Storyboard Structure. Very impressive. 

  • Working on a game i tried chatGPT for Javascript code to check for a win/loss. Although i got some specifics back that didnot work ( eg. player is a reserved Storyline variable, so i got that back in my chatGPT code and thus i had to replace that ) i got it working quite easily thanks to chatGPT.

    I would suggest Articulate changes the internal used variable player to storylinePlayer. As that will make future use of chatGPT and other AI-tools easier for the less Javascript experienced.

    • SeanWordingham-'s avatar
      Community Member

      Could I ask how you accessed chatGPT using JavaScript? I tried using the JavaScript suggested by chat GPT itself but this didn't work. I'm not sure if it is necessary to set up a JavaScript server, which is something I don't know how to do it :-)

      • MathNotermans-9's avatar
        Community Member

        Let me see if i can find the case i used for this. Actually chatGPT didnot return properly working Javascript. It couldnot figure out that the Storyline player is no real player, but the player as it is in Storyline. So you really need to know Storyline specifics to fix it... let see if i can find my calls.

  • I've played a little with Chat-GPT, but most of my AI attention has gone to the AI art tools, especially Midjourney.

    Three ways I've used AI art generators:

    1. To fix stock photos. For this, feed the stock image into the AI tool and add text describing the changes you want to see in the new image. For example, feed it the URL to an image of someone who is NOT wearing a hardhat, and put in your text prompt "wearing a hardhat". You'll get some images based on, but not identical to, the stock image you fed it, and in the output images the person will now be wearing a hardhat.
    2. To get images of equipment that are not copyrighted images from the manufacturer. For this, I've been able to just ask the AI art tool to draw me "a photorealistic hotplate-stirrer" for example. Sometimes you have to clean up the image in Photoshop to get exactly what you want, but it is still pretty quick.
    3. To create place-holder images while prototyping or storyboarding a course. Here, you're creating images you plan to eventually replace. For example, maybe you need an image of one person giving on-the-job training to another person, and you plan to do a photo shoot next week to stage and acquire this image. But in the mean time, you can ask the AI to generate an image similar to what you plan to shoot, so that you can try out different framings, different aspect ratios, etc., or so that you can mock up the rest of the screen and have a decent place-holder image to show your vision to others before doing the photo shoot.

    The AI art tools are every bit as amazing as the AI text tools, maybe moreso.

    • AlieGreenhorn's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks for this Ray. This is the first time I've heard of Midjourney so I'll be trying this out.

  • I was just introduced to ChatGBT and what a game changer. I found that if you tell it what you want it trys to give it to you. An example would be to edit a statement as a presenter. You will ge a presentation reply. The other are I found it very helpful is when you just don't know how to say something. Just ask.


    • garymoulton's avatar
      Community Member

      Most definitely helpful in many ways. Our workflows are so much faster and
      very accurate. I am looking forward to diving in to ChatGPT4.

  • So my first call in chatGPT was:
    "javascript code to check for a win or loss in a connectfour game"

    From that i got quite usefull code..

    This was the result:

    // Define the game board as a 2D array
    let board = [ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

    // Define the function to check for a win
    function checkForWin(player) {
    // Check horizontal
    for (let row = 0; row < 6; row++) {
    for (let col = 0; col < 4; col++) {
    if (board[row][col] === player &&
    board[row][col+1] === player &&
    board[row][col+2] === player &&
    board[row][col+3] === player) {
    return true;

    // Check vertical
    for (let row = 0; row < 3; row++) {
    for (let col = 0; col < 7; col++) {
    if (board[row][col] === player &&
    board[row+1][col] === player &&
    board[row+2][col] === player &&
    board[row+3][col] === player) {
    return true;

    // Check diagonal
    for (let row = 0; row < 3; row++) {
    for (let col = 0; col < 4; col++) {
    if (board[row][col] === player &&
    board[row+1][col+1] === player &&
    board[row+2][col+2] === player &&
    board[row+3][col+3] === player) {
    return true;

    // Check other diagonal
    for (let row = 3; row < 6; row++) {
    for (let col = 0; col < 4; col++) {
    if (board[row][col] === player &&
    board[row-1][col+1] === player &&
    board[row-2][col+2] === player &&
    board[row-3][col+3] === player) {
    return true;

    return false;

    // Usage:
    // To check if player 1 wins, call checkForWin(1)
    // To check if player 2 wins, call checkForWin(2)

    This was the description added:

    In this code, board is the 2D array that represents the Connect Four game board. The checkForWin function takes a player number as an argument (1 for player 1, 2 for player 2), and returns true if the player has won, or false otherwise.

    The function checks for a win by iterating over the game board and looking for four consecutive pieces of the same color in a row, column, or diagonal. If it finds such a sequence, it returns true. If it iterates over the entire board and doesn't find a winning sequence, it returns false.

    A few issues to get it working with my game. 'player', amount of rows/cols and the 'player' interfered with the Storyline player. But saved me quite some time this way.