Forum Discussion

JeffHerman's avatar
Community Member
3 hours ago

Conditional Animation Triggers Not Working

In the attached Storyline file, I'm labeling a diagram using custom-built markers (Oval shape for the marker, Callout shape for the pop-out dialog). My intent is to have each marker stand out with a Shake Emphasis until the learner selects it. Once selected, the marker's hidden Callout changes state to Normal, and from that point on, I'd like the Emphasis animation on the selected marker oval to stop playing.

To achieve this, I have the following triggers:

  • Slide: Jump to the start of the timeline when the timeline ends, and play the timeline.
  • Slide: Emphasize the Marker oval using Shake when the timeline starts on this slide if the State of the Callout shape = Hidden.
  • Callout shape: Initial State is Hidden. Set the State to Normal when the user clicks the Marker oval.

Unfortunately, after selecting the Marker and revealing the Callout, the Emphasis animation continues to play each time the timeline restarts. What am I doing wrong?

File attached. Thank you for your help!

  • JeffHerman's avatar
    Community Member

    The famous and esteemed Johanthan_Hill! I feel honored.

    Yes, your project has the same idea I'm trying to get implement: after the user selects the item, there's no need for the marker to continue being emphasized.

    Thank you for your time and efforts!

    • Jonathan_Hill's avatar
      Super Hero

      How's this JeffHerman?

      You were definitely on the right track with the 'looping program', but I find that placing your looping triggers in an invisible layer is helpful. This way, you're not restarting the base layer, which can lead to unexpected things happening. 

      The 'visited' state of the marker is also a bit more reliable as a condition, too.

  • I would make the emphasis animation conditional on a variable or an object's state, so the emphasis only fires and only repeats when certain conditions are met.

    Is this the type of effect you're going for?




    Let me know, and I'll apply a similar logic to your .story file.