Forum Discussion
Copyright question - using videos
Hi Everyone
I have a quick question about using videos in Rise courses.
Videos make courses more engaging. But I am worried about the copyright implications of using videos uploaded on YouTube. I was told that Ted in particularly are strict and require companies to pay for permission to use their clips.
Does anyone have information on this?
5 Replies
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
Hi Mark,
Assume that the copyright requirements for every individual video is different.
Hi Mark, there are also some tips in the following threads that you may find helpful.
What are the copyright laws surrounding youTube videos?
Regrarding Copyright, can you use Youtube Videos in E-Learning Modules
- MarilyneLaframbCommunity Member
Hello Lea, what about videos found on Rise course templates? Are these videos free to use in our own trainings, or is there are an approval process or referencing procedure we have to make.
Hi there! For Rise 360 pre-built content, you're granted a license to use that content within Articulate 360, but can't add them standalone to other applications. You can check out our Terms of Service and Terms of Use for more details. I hope this helps!
- MarilyneLaframbCommunity Member
Thank you Lea ! 😀