Forum Discussion
Cost of developing 1 hour of elearning
Phil Mayor said:
Steve Graupner said:
Thanks for the really great info. It looks like this is all for original development though. I wonder about the cost for RE development of e-learning. With the everything else changing: user/org needs, technology (on both user and Org side), e-learning isn't static. I understand there are variables, esp in re the availability of original materials, SMEs, etc. If nothing is available, then a redevelopment can be priced as original work. But there are a lot of parameters out there that can render previously working e-learning not suitable. E.g. an org wanting e-learning previously designed for a workstation to work on a mobile platform like a tablet or smart phone. Or the constantly changing security parameters e-learning has to contend with to reach to end user.
In my experience sometimes rework in another program takes at least as long as the original development time.
Good point Steve; I agree with Phil here - while lengthy revision cycles are rare, they exist, and this may be one thing you want to stipulate in your contract (the amount of revision cycles you'll allow before the price goes up).