Forum Discussion

GrahamDWoods's avatar
Community Member
9 months ago

Counting sperm


I'm building a module for embryologists that trains on assessing sperm viability.

I want to include an interaction that works as follows:

1. The learner is watching a video on screen of sperm under a microscope.

2. They must click a button to count how many viable spermatozoa they see

3. There is a visual counter on screen, increasing as they click

4. The total for number 3 is captured as a variable and is then also reportable to the LMS

Any ideas from you bunch of geniuses? :)

  • Here's a possibility:

    • Insert a Graded Numeric Entry slide. This will automatically create a field and an associated numeric variable. 
      • Use the entry field as your "visual counter." To prevent the user from typing in the field, cover it with a 99% transparent shape. 
      • The default name of the variable will be NumericEntry. I suggest you rename it to something more meaningful, e.g., "Counter." 
    • On the button, put an "Adjust variable" trigger that adds 1 to the "Counter" variable when the user clicks the button. 
    • As desired, adjust the Feedback on the question. 

    • Be sure to include a Results slide to have the score reported to the LMS.