Forum Discussion

MeganJonas's avatar
Community Member
7 years ago

course not reporting correct score, setting course to fail when I pass

Hi there,

Got a course here built in SL 360, set to publish for LMS, SCORM 1.2, passed/failed, and is HTML5 only.

There are 4 sections with 4 quizzes and a single results slide at the very end that gathers the results from all 4 quizzes. It's set to read default 80% passing score. There are 11 questions total. 

Everything works fine if I don't close out the course before reaching the results slide. If I close out the course before reaching the results slide, it reports scores that don't match the questions I got right and sets the course to fail even if I get all 11 correct.

Another weird thing, on the results slide I have additional layers for reaching 9, 10, or 11 correct quiz questions, like levels in a game. If I close out the course before reaching the results slide, one of those layers overlaps the fail message. If I don't close out the course before the results slide, the layers do not overlap the fail message.

I could use some help sorting this out.

Thanks in advance!