Forum Discussion

ScottNipper's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Course Pricing Guidance

Hello Community,

I could use a little guidance for submitting a quote.  I've been asked to provide the cost to develop a 30-60 minute course for professional engineer license renewal.

The course will be an ‘assessment’ of the licensee’s knowledge and understanding of the content required for license renewal.

The level will be primarily Level 1 with some Level 2 interactivity.

Content will supposedly be provided but I will likely do some graphic work, help SMEs develop the content and script the course.  I will do voice narration.  It needs to be ADA compliant. I will provide a SCORM package when all is done.

I have done a lot of this in the past as an employee and for a couple of years as a freelancer.  I always seem to underbid and end up working way more for what turns out to be not much money when it's all said and done.

I'm very good at what I do, except the negotiating price part.  I use Chapman's model for hours to develop and I put this project in the 184:1 category.

This is a government agency and they like boring, click Next training (well, nobody actually likes it but it meets their requirement to check off the "we delivered training" box)

My question to you is, "What would you charge for this e-learning course?"

I have my idea, I'd really like to hear what others would charge for something of this caliber.

Thanks in advance.

  • Ange's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Scott, I hope all went well. It's a thorny subject. I am coming rather late to your question and I do not have an answer. Here are some things I have gleaned along the way, through trial and error, that I think about and take into account when pricing that may be useful.

    I have always tracked my time, be it in-house or freelance, and I have even taking to doing it for ELH challenges on this site, it has given me a good idea of how long different types of projects take me. Here are some other things to take into consideration, some interesting items one could negotiate on, and a spread sheet you can download:

    I do find the scope-of-work needs to be nailed down pretty tight, expectations agreed upon before the fact and written down, meetings/consultations need to be accounted for in the spreadsheet, they can be a big loss if not. An outside scope here and an outside scope there can really bite into your fee. Plus, your expertise should definitely be a factor. Also as a freelance contractor it's always good to know your basic cost of actually doing business, which should be factored in, there are calculators online for this.  And not to forget additions and changes to content by the client after the fact. While there is always some leeway in these matters it should definitely be accounted for in the contract - for example, 3 rounds of changes (more is extra, the fee for that should worked out before-hand and made clear at the time before any additional (outside scope) work is undertaken)... if not it can go on forever and gobble up your fee in no time. I have found that being as clear and precise as possible, addressing variables, understanding the client's expectations (not assuming them) etc. makes the process smoother and keeps the relationship sweet —and one can actually start to make a living!  Yeah!