Forum Discussion
Drag and Drop RESET option
Is there anyway to add a RESET option when creating a Drag and Drop activity. I love using the Freeform options when creating quizzes but it would be nice to have a RESET button on Drag and Drop questions when students don't get the correct answers and to make it easy for them to Try Again.
Is a Reset option something they can add to a future update under the Drag and Drop options?
- AlexiaArroyoCommunity Member
Hi Kimberly,
I would change your trigger on the Try Again layer from "hide this layer" to "jump to slide X" and just have it jump back to your base layer. Make sure sure you base layer settings is When Revisiting: Reset to initial state.
Hope this helps!
- kimberlylococoCommunity Member
Thanks so much! I’ll give this a shot!
- kimberlylococoCommunity Member
Hi Alexia,
I originally thought this was working great until I realized this does not work if the question is set to a certain number of Attempts. After clicking Try Again, the slide is set to Reset to Initial State so it never remembers the number of attempts made and just stays in a loop to Try Again.
Does this setting ONLY work if using Unlimited Attempts or is there something else I need to configure to Reset the answers but still keep the slide set to a specific number of Attempts?
- LeenaJose-bb812Community Member
- kimberlylococoCommunity Member
This worked GREAT! Thanks for the tips!
- AlexiaArroyoCommunity Member
Hi Kimberly,
That makes sense! So I played around and here's what I'd do:
1. Create Variable: TryAgain (Type: Number/ Value:0)
2. On your TryAgain layer, create the following trigger: Add 1 to TryAgain when user clicks TryAgain variable
3. On your Base layer, add the following trigger: Show layer Incorrect when user clicks the Submit button IF TryAgain is greater than or equal to 2.
NOTE: You can change the number 2 to however many attempts you'd like to give the learner.
There might be a simpler way to accomplish this, but I went ahead and attached an example. Good luck!
- kimberlylococoCommunity Member
Hi Alexia,
That did the trick! Thanks so much for the help!!!
- kimberlylococoCommunity Member
Alexia, I'm so sorry but still running into glitches on this on after doing more testing on this. Here is what I discovered:
I want to allow students 2 attempts to get the correct answer - so in essence they should only be able to click the Try Again button 1 time which takes them to attempt 2. If I set the TryAgain value to 2 for the number of attempts, it then let's them click Try Again 2 times (which now allows 3 attempts). So I ended up setting the value on Step 3 to Equal/Greater than 1.
In addition, we are also telling the system to show the Incorrect Layer after the Variable reaches the set value, which in my example, is 1. But, when testing this, if I select the correct answers on the second attempt, it still displays the Incorrect layer because I clicked Try Again 1 time, as set in the #3 condition. Shouldn't it first look at whether the answers are correct before being overridden by the variable?
I'm very perplexed on this one. It would be great if there was some way we could add a RESET button in a future release for Drag and Drop activities which allows users to set the draggable items back to their original position, if so desired.
- AmandaHegneyCommunity Member
thank you so much for this :)
Hi Kimberly!
Looks like you are getting some great assistance here. If you need further assistance, it may be best to share your .story file so that we can better assist.
Awesome! Thanks for the update.
Thanks Alexia for all your assistance here :)
Hi Kimberly,
Do you have an updated copy of your file here to share? The variable element should allow the user to answer correctly and see the "correct" layer so I suspect something is off in terms of trigger order or placement which can be hard to diagnose without seeing it.
- kimberlylococoCommunity Member
Hi Ashley, I copied the slide in question to a separate project since my main project is very large. I have this set up to allow the user 2 attempts (so the value in step 3 above is set to Equal or Greater than 1). The Variable option works GREAT if you get the answer wrong on the second attempt, but if you get the answers correct on the second attempt, it still shows the Incorrect feedback layer.
Thanks so much for looking at this!
Hi Kimberly,
You'll want to look at putting that trigger on your try again layer based on when the timeline starts vs. when the user clicks the "submit" button. That'll allow it to show the "incorrect" layer from the try again on their second attempt and and then they'll be able to see the correct layer if they answer correctly. Right now your trigger tracking the variable is overriding the built in functionality of the correct or incorrect layers.
- kimberlylococoCommunity Member
Thanks so much Ashley,
This finally seems to be working after testing several times!I REALLY struggle using Variables but most of these made sense to me until you had me change this one to "When Timeline Starts" versus when "clicking the Try Again" button. What makes the difference here? Trying to wrap my head around these!
Thanks again to everyone for all of your help with this!
Hi Kimberly!
Ashley is out of the office today, so I'm trying to catch up on your conversation here.
I took a look at your file and I'm assuming you've now got it to look something like the attached.
The left was your original file and the right is the updated one attached.
Your story was choosing to go to the Incorrect Layer when Try Again had already been reached. This is why you could not get to the Correct layer if correct. You were overriding the built-in settings.
By moving it to the Try Again Layer, this would eliminate this override. You change it to when the timeline starts because you do not have a Submit button on this layer.
I hope that makes a bit more sense?! It can be confusing. I talk out loud when needed to help it make sense.
- kimberlylococoCommunity Member
Thanks Leslie!
Variables are indeed my WEAK point in using Storyline! I appreciate all of the help and explanations!
No worries Kimberly. I know I would agree that it can be mine as well sometimes :) Good luck with the rest of your project.
- GraciaGoldberg-Community Member
I've tried following the steps listed in this forum as well as another on the same topic, and I can't seem to get my project to work correctly. I'd like to give the learner two tries on this drag & drop question (essentially bringing them to the "Try Again" layer after 1 attempt and then to the "Incorrect" layer after the 2nd attempt), and I'd like the slide to Reset to Initial State in between these attempts so that the draggables all go back to their initial positions. I've attached my slide for reference, is anyone able to help me out with figuring out what I'm doing wrong?
Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!
- NancyWoinoskiSuper Hero
Hi Gracie, all you have to do is change the order of the button triggers on your Try Again layer.
You have it set so that when the user clicks the Try again button, it jumps to 1.1 before the trigger to increment the count for Q3 is executed so this means the number is never increased.
Just move the add trigger so that it comes before the jump trigger and it should work.
- SaraObernesser-Community Member
Thank you so much!! I've been trying so many different combinations, it was just a simple change of the order!