Forum Discussion
Duplicating Multiple Choice Question Slides - States keep old text.
Can anyone else duplicate this problem?
- Create a multiple Choice Graded Question with 4 options
- Change hover state of radio button options to a different colour
- Change Left padding of the radio buttons option's shape to 20px
- Duplicate slide
- Enter new options on duplicate
- Preview duplicate slide, hover or select radio button options - Text from original slide set as state.
It's driving me nuts - is it just me?
I've basically had to start from the template and format paint* every radio button. I've tried setting my button format values as a default by right clicking-->Set as Default Radio button but that feature doesn't seem to work.
*Update: oh, it's format paining text from states as well, so basically i have to set the formatting on each individual option :/
Edit: the format painting issue seems to be a bug - If I use the selected radio button as the host of the formatting to be painted, it copies the selected state text to the target radio buttons. Annoying, but at least I can get around it.
- WaltHamiltonSuper Hero
This discussion may refer to the same problem:
The description of the problem is at the top, but be sure to read Maria's comment at the bottom.
- JudyNolletSuper Hero
Hi, Alan,
In my experience, question slides have always been a bit "quirky" (to put it politely). When I start a project that will include a quiz, I prep one slide for each question type that I'm likely to use. I keep those in an extra scene I call "storage." Then, when needed, I copy a pre-designed question slide, paste it where needed, and revise the question and response text. I've found that this bit of work up front ultimately saves me time.
- Alan-Kael-BallCommunity Member
Yes, I've had tons of problems with Quiz questions, from Slide Masters that don't work, feedback masters that don't preserve formatting, this weird problem with buttons not saving default formatting like buttons outside of a quiz etc etc etc. Quirks do not a good piece of software make. Every niggle is productivity lost.
I have a store of common components and slides, still happens when I copy those...
Latest fun thing is when I try to copy the question text into the form view, the field remains blank but pastes the text into a new text box in the slide view 🙄
I've had 6-months off with furlough, so perhaps I'm just more sensitive to annoying quirks than before.
- LisaSpirko-3976Community Member
I have this problem all the time, and fixing this is where I spend the greatest amount of time when programming knowledge check and quiz questions. I'm with you Alan... Very frustrating.
- ModassarWarsiCommunity Member
One of the ideal ways is to change the options directly in the Form View after duplicating the question slide. This ensured that options are updated on all the states.
- Alan-Kael-BallCommunity Member
This happens regardless of where the text is entered.
- MirandaGreenCommunity Member
I'm currently having this issue. It doesn't apply to every object that I format paint, only some of them. It definitely seems like a bug!