Forum Discussion

RyanBarnes's avatar
Community Member
10 months ago

Embedded mp4 videos published as SCORM and uploaded to LMS (Litmos) not playing

I've tried a variety of iterations of embedded videos in test projects which have been published/uploaded as modules in Litmos. I cannot get the videos to play in the LMS (they preview just fine in Storyline 360). Small video files, no extraneous characters or spacings, optimized with handbrake. 

Also, I have tried embedding a video in Rise 360 and then uploaded that published SCORM file, and the video worked fine in Litmos. Are Rise 360 video files encoded as .mp4 's?

Any advice? This is vexing 

  • Hi Ryan, when you say embedded, are these video files that are imported into Storyline (and using the Storyline video controls)?

    Have you opened up the browser console (F12) and had a look to see if there are any errors related to the video (generally red text). This might give a clue as to why the videos aren't playing.

    Also, which publish settings are you using on the video (Adaptive or Static)? If Adaptive, maybe it is a mime-type issue with the server, and adaptive streaming isn't supported. If that's the case you could revert to static.

    I think the mime-types required on the server for adaptive are:

    .m3u8 application/ playlist file that contains a path to a media file or directory of media files and meta information about the playlist
    .ts video/mp2t video stream file
  • RyanBarnes's avatar
    Community Member

    Imported files, correct.

    See attached for browser console report. I see lots of errors. Not my language. Wondering if our payroll software (Paycor) is hosting the files, versus having Litmos host, and their settings are messing with the requests.

    I think I've been publishing as adaptive, so I will give it a try with static. 

    Sam - thank you thus far!


  • RyanBarnes's avatar
    Community Member

    Module with static video publishing also failed. See attachment.

    • Jürgen_Schoene_'s avatar
      Community Member

      this "static" error log is "adaptive" video (.../stream_1.m3u -> "adaptive video")

      check, if you has tested the correct version

      this error with "adaptive" video normal - some/many (?) LMS don't support hls streaming video

    • SamHill's avatar
      Super Hero

      Hi Ryan, the errors we are seeing here appear to be from adaptive video too as there are files with an extension *.m3u8 which suggests streaming.

      The reason the video isn't working is because of Cross Origin Resources not being allowed. Part of the process of loading the adaptive video is to request a file via xhr, which, by default, is not allowed between two separate domains (including subdomains) or protocols (http vs https). There are configuration changes that can be made on the server to support CORS, but I'm curious as to why, if the video is imported into the Storyline file, the Storyline content and video are on separate domains when the content requests the video.

      Requesting *.m3u8 files from here:

      Published content is hosted here:

      Can you think of a reason why there are two domains involved? 

      Your LMS provider, Litmos, may be able to help you out with configuring this:

      As "static" does not use xhr to load the videos, this should resolve your issue.

  • RyanBarnes's avatar
    Community Member

    Both of you (Sam and Jurgen) are correct. It appears as though I did not full save over the zip file when I changed the publish setting. Republished and uploaded and the video played on the LMS (for the first time!). So, to recap - at least for now publishing in static has solved the problem!

    However, to Sam's question - I have no idea why there are two domains involved... That's beyond me.