Forum Discussion

CristianIrribar's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Error al exportar


Al momento de exportar mi proyecto, me aparece este error, alguien me podría ayudar, es urgente!

Muchas gracias


  • Hola, Cristian!

    Thank you for reaching out, and I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing errors when publishing your .story file.

    Let me ask you a few questions to help you troubleshoot the issue:

    If a repair doesn't solve the issue, I'd recommend opening a support case with our engineers. 

    Let me know if this works! 

  • Hola

    Disculpa, me volvió a pasar lo mismo, respondiendo tus preguntas: si estoy trabajando desde un disco local, también reinstalé storylibe según indicaciones; aun así, el error persiste. Ayuda por favor. Gracias

  • I have no problems publishing your course - no errors, but the two web objects (-> 1.7, 1.22) are missing (web object are never included in a story-file) - perhaps there are the problems

    but first publish the course on your computer again and when the error message appears - please click on the blue text button "information"

    then a second window will open with useful informations, just copy the text from the second window and post it here


  • Estimado.

    Muchas gracias por la respuesta:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
    <ErrorReport xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <UserId />
    <Message>Se produjo una excepción en el inicializador de tipo de 'NativeMagickImageCollection'.</Message>
    <StackTrace> at new ImageMagick.MagickImageCollection+NativeMagickImageCollection()
    at new ImageMagick.MagickImageCollection()
    at string Articulate.Design.ImagePublisher.a(IPlayerFactory A_0, IPlayerCache A_1, AssetType A_2, long A_3, Image A_4, string A_5, IPictureFormat A_6, DrawingTheme A_7, string A_8, Size A_9, RectangleF A_10, long A_11, Color A_12, bool A_13, RectangleF A_14, out Size A_15, ref eImageDataType A_16, bool A_17, bool A_18, bool A_19, bool A_20, SizeF A_21, ref string A_22, ref string A_23, ref Point A_24, bool A_25, bool A_26, Nullable&lt;SizeF&gt; A_27, bool A_28)
    at string Articulate.Design.ImagePublisher.SaveImageToFolder(IPlayerFactory playerFactory, IPlayerCache cache, AssetType assetType, long assetSize, Image image, string uniqueKey, IPictureFormat pictureFormat, DrawingTheme drawingTheme, string folder, Size maxSize, RectangleF bounds, long jpegQuality, Color transparentColor, bool cropped, RectangleF cropRectangle, out Size imageSize, ref eImageDataType dataType, bool swf, bool ios, bool html5, bool zoom, SizeF targetSize, ref string html5Path, ref string iosPath, ref Point mobileOffset, bool keepAsMetafile, bool okToVector, Nullable&lt;SizeF&gt; mobileSize, bool forceSwf, IAsset asset)
    at PublishedImageMetadata Articulate.Design.ImagePublisher.PublishImageData(IPlayerService playerService, Parameters parameters, IAsset asset, SizeF targetSize)
    at bwImageData Articulate.Design.Shapes.Picture.GetImageData(VectorDataArgs e, ref Size imageSize, SizeF targetSize)
    at void Articulate.Design.Shapes.Picture.AddVectorData(VectorDataArgs e)
    at void Articulate.Design.Shapes.PictureLayer.AddVectorData(bwSlideBase slide, VectorDataArgs e)
    at void Articulate.Design.ShapeLayer.GetVectorData(VectorDataArgs e, bwSlideBase slide)
    at void Articulate.Design.Shape.GetVectorData(bwSlideBase slide, VectorDataArgs e)
    at RectangleF Articulate.Design.Shapes.Picture.ExportMetafile(bwSlideBase slide, IPlayerService service, IShapeStateInfo shapeState, ShapeStateAdornment adornment, string text, string linkId, string fileName, bwStageObject stageObj)
    at RectangleF Articulate.Design.Shapes.Picture.Export(bwSlideBase slide, IPlayerService service, IShapeStateInfo state, string fileName, bwStageObject stageObj, string linkId)
    at RectangleF Articulate.Design.Shapes.Picture.Export(bwSlideBase slide, IPlayerService service, string fileName, bwStageObject stageObj, object context)
    at bwStageObject Articulate.Design.Shape.CreateStageObject(IPlayerService service, bwSlideBase slide)
    at bwStageObject Articulate.Design.Shape.GetStageObject(IPlayerService service, bwSlideBase slide)
    at bwStageObject Articulate.Design.Shapes.Picture.GetStageObject(IPlayerService service, bwSlideBase slide)
    at bwStageObject Articulate.Design.Shape.Articulate.Player.IPlayerShape.GetStageObject(IPlayerService service, bwSlideBase slide)
    at void Articulate.Player.PlayerContentPublisher.a(IEnumerable&lt;IPlayerShape&gt; A_0, bwSlideBase A_1)
    at bwSlide Articulate.Player.PlayerContentPublisher.CreateSlideObject(IPlayerSlide slide, bwISlideContainer sceneobj)
    at void Articulate.Player.PlayerContentPublisher.CreateBridgewaterSlide(PlayerWriterSettings settings, IPlayerSlide slide, bwISlideContainer sceneobj)
    at bool Articulate.Player.PlayerContentPublisher.CreateContentScenes(PlayerWriterSettings settings, IPlayerContentProvider contentProvider)
    at bwContent Articulate.Player.PlayerWriter.WriteContent(IPlayerContentProvider contentProvider)
    at bool Articulate.Player.PlayerWriter.Write(IPlayerContentProvider contentProvider)
    at void qa.p()
    at void Articulate.Design.Publish.TargetContext+PublishBackgroundWorker.OnDoWork(DoWorkEventArgs e)
    at void Articulate.ComponentModel.STABackgroundWorker.a(object A_0)</StackTrace>

  • Gracias. Estoy usando la última versión de articulate storyline 3. Lo extraño es que hace un tiempo lo pude exportar sin problema.

    Quedo tento

  • Buenas! Me pasó algo similar pero al hacer una previsualización. Tenía diapositivas que me había traído de otro proyecto, tenían el mismo estilo pero como ya sabrás te crea uno nuevo en el patrón. Al cambiar el estilo de esas diapositivas por el que tenia en el proyecto (aunque visualmente fuera exactamente igual) y eliminar del patrón las que creo nuevas dejó de dar error. Quizás te funcione. 
