Forum Discussion

JeroenVerhoeckx's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

Error message when publishing a project

Hello Articulate developers and users

When I try to upload a project, I always get (well, not in the beginning) the following message:

There was an error publishing your course to Review 360. Please check you internet connection and try again.

It doesn't say the true reason why it fails to publish the course (the internet connection is fine). Anybody knows what I can do or how I can find out the true reason? It always fails during the upload fase.


When I click on Report a bug I get the form in the second attachment. Strange, but this forms doesn't seem to be about reporting a bug, but more about general feedback and asking for features. It also doesn't have a field for uploading screenshots. This makes reporting a bug difficult. I guess the true address to report a bug is


- Verhoeckx

  • Hello Verhoeckx,

    Happy to help!

    I'd like to ask a few questions to clarify your experience: 

    • Can you publish a newly created Storyline 360 project to Review 360?
    • Are all of your project files affected or just a few?

    If you can publish your project file to web or LMS without any issues, please ask your IT team to add the following endpoints to your organization's allowlist to fix the behavior:

    If only specific project files cannot be published to Review 360, please open a case with our support team and share your project files there so we can look at what's happening.

  • Hello Jose,

    Thanks for helping me!

    I think it's indeed a network problem: I just uploaded the project to Review 360 at my home network and everything went fine.

    On my work there are several networks I can choose from and tomorrow I will try which one works and which one doesn't. I will let you know if the problem persists.

    - Verhoeckx

  • I did some test on my home network and find out that most of the time the uploading goes wrong when Upload project file to Review 360 is enabled. I will open a case for the support team.