Forum Discussion

EllenSlavitz-1f's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

Focus order delay.

I'm tasked with adjusting focus order to retrofit old courses for accessibility. I'm finding a delay after each mouse action, i.e. Click - wait - click - wait... If I don't wait long enough, I may overshoot and have to move it again in the other direction. It's already a slow process because when the Focus Order window is open, I can view only one  layer at a time (and have to close the FO window to view a different layer) but the Focus Order window shows all objects on all layers.  I have to scroll through the entire list and the delay also occurs  when scrolling.  I'm attaching a video which I hope shows the problem. Thank you for the help.

  • Hi Ellen,

    Thanks for reaching out and detailing what you're experiencing!

    I see the delay you're referencing after each mouse action. Does this only happen when adjusting the focus order? Is there a lag if you try editing something else or simply moving around in Storyline? You can try importing your slides into a new Storyline project to see if that resolves the issue.

    If you're using the most up-to-date version of Storyline, and still seeing the delay, you can also try a storyline repair. Please let us know if you need additional help!

    • EllenSlavitz-1f's avatar
      Community Member

      I'm experiencing this just in Focus Order.

      At this point, I'm hesitant to update the version, as often doing so has
      unintended consequences.
      No one else has reported this issue?

      • JoseTansengco's avatar

        Hi Ellen,

        I'm not seeing other users report this behavior even after the release of Storyline 360's latest version.

        This might have something to do with the number of items in your focus order. Would you be willing to share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case so we can test the behavior? We'll delete it when we're done!