Forum Discussion
font size of closed captions (SL360)
Hi folks,
Thanks for the open and honest conversation about this feature. We agree that it should be possible to adjust the font size of closed captions independently, for all the reasons you've mentioned above.
This is on our list, alongside a number of other planned accessibility improvements in the near future. I don't have a firm release date as of now, but I'll make sure this thread gets an update once we're ready to share more.
- ChrisBurns7 years agoCommunity Member
Thank you Simon, I hope this is done soon. Unfortunately it will be too late for my client's deadline - I only realised the subtitles were so small after I had told the client it was possible to add them. The irony is that I'm creating a module on Accessibility - with captions so tiny that I can't read them.
- ClintClarkson-c6 years agoCommunity Member
9 months later...