Forum Discussion

RupertAbel-b0a3's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Fonts in the block "Statements"

Hi, if you have put in your own custom fonts in RISE for body and headings, is there a way to also have the custom fonts in the blocks Statement A, Statement B, Statement C, Statement D & Note?

At the moment, neither of my custom fonts are in the Statements. I have no idea what font RISE has automatically put in for them. But it's not the same, like you would expect. You should surely be able to change the fonts there to match the fonts in the rest of your course?

If anyone can help, thanks

    • MatthewUhrich's avatar
      Community Member

      Same problem here - thanks for starting a fresh thread.

      • AngeloCruz's avatar

        Hi Matthew!

        Great news! The issue with the incorrect fonts in Statement B and Statement D blocks has been fixed.

        Since Rise is a web app, you don't need to install anything. New features and fixes are immediately available. You may need to export your Rise 360 course again to reflect the changes in your web server or LMS.

        If you have any questions about this, please let me know.

  • Hi Rupert! Would you be able to share screenshots showing the difference in fonts for your text and statement blocks? Also, may I know what custom fonts you are using in your course? Thanks!  

  • I have this same question! I imported a font for the course, but the statements and Note blocks don't use that font. 

    • LeaSAgato's avatar

      Hi Susan,

      We've seen an issue where some custom fonts aren't reflected in statement blocks.  What are the custom fonts you are using in your course? This will help me confirm if what you encountered is the same issue we have documented.  Thanks!

      • SusanOgilvie-32's avatar
        Community Member

        The fix for my issue was that my custom font was named with a number at the beginning (ie. 123Font) - Articulate support figured out that if I renamed it without a number at the beginning (ie. OnetwothreeFont) it worked as it should! 

  • I think this is a known bug. Attached is a capture of what we're experiencing which shows the issue on the main course page, but we also see it in the statement note block and other places.

    • LeaSAgato's avatar

      Hi Kathryn,

      It looks like you have submitted a support case for this issue. We have this issue documented as a possible bug. We don't have an update for this yet, but we'll be sure to let you know if anything changes!

    • Crystal-Horn's avatar

      Hi there, Kathryn! Just following up here that the issue with the cover page not using the custom font is fixed. Let us know if you have any questions!

  • MariaRdlach's avatar
    Community Member

    I have the same problem but it occurs only with Statement D. For the other statements and for Note, the correct font is used. For Statement D, a different one is displayed. (see attachment)
    Is there any way to adjust this?

    • BreeBaich-f7f2c's avatar
      Community Member

      I'm having the same issue with Statement D. Is there a fix?

  • Same issue here. I've got the font "Poppins" used for Heading and Body text, but the statement blocks are defaulting to some other font.

  • MaryKohlmann's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi! Not sure if this should be a separate thread or not, but I'm wondering why the text in Notes blocks is appearing as some kind of serif font, rather than our body font of Open Sans (see attached screenshot). Do Notes blocks default to the course's heading font or something? If so, is there a way to change that? Thanks!


    • LeaSAgato's avatar

      Hi, Mary! That's right. The Notes block follows the heading font. You can customize the heading font in your course theme, but it isn't possible to customize the Notes block to follow the body font instead. 

  • trainee5's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi! I'm experiencing the same issue. I'm using a custom font (DINPro), and it is not working on Quote D and Quote Carousel.

    • Hello Werkz!

      Sorry that you are running into the same issue! Does this happen with every course or just a specific one?

      I've tested this out on my end with DINPro, and the font is appearing as expected.