Forum Discussion

MartinNienhaus-'s avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Font "Paragraph" vs "Statement"

Dear community,

How can I use the same font for a normal Text Paragraph and a Statement. The Statement always looks as if this is thinner.

Any help is much appreciated!



  • Hello MN,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Statement blocks display text in Bold by default so you'll also want to show the Text in the Paragraph block in bold as well if you want them to closely resemble each other. 

    You can also try modifying the format of the paragraph block by changing the alignment of the text to 'center aligned' and the block width to 'small' so that it will look more like a statement block. 

    I'll let other community members chime in in case they have any other workarounds that they can share with you so you'll have options!