Forum Discussion

AdamMonk's avatar
Community Member
10 years ago

Format Painter problem


I'm trying to use format painter, but it's not working like I expected and I can't seem to figure out what I am doing wrong. 

I have 4 lines of text to the right hand side of the page. All have states except for the first line, which has no states. I wish to use format painter to format the three lines of texts that have states like the first line, which has no states. Basically, I want there to be no states for all lines of text. 

I select the first line text box, double click on format painter, then click on the three subsequent lines of text. The problem is, this doesn't change anything. The states still remain on the three lines of text. 

Any help would be appreciated.

Also, I am getting a 404 error when trying to upload the story file. Guess I need help getting the story file uploaded.


  • Hi Jason,

    The format painter will not remove existing states on an object, only modify them to match the copied format and create them if they don't exist. 

    If you'd like to see a change in that behavior, it's always something that could be shared if you're up for logging a feature request.

  • Wow! Super infuriating to see this issue I'm having today with Storyline 360 was an issue 7 years ago. Nice videos out there saying you simply apply your formatting to each state (works fine), select Done editing states? click the item, Double-click format painter, and voila... nothing happens. I tried it about 10 times in a row, watched the videos again, tried again, and came here. It's still not functioning. It'll only take me about 10 minutes to manually apply the formatting to a dozen objects, but sure do wish it was functioning as advertised. 

  • Hi, Paula. 

    Thank you for reaching out, and I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing issues with the format painter!

    Are you able to record your screen showing what you are experiencing?

    I also want to ask you the following questions to help troubleshoot: