Forum Discussion

MicahWeedman-6a's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Global link editing in Rise course

Hello all:

I'm not sure what's possible here, if anything at all. But I have a problem I'd love to solve and will gladly take any input.

I'd like to develop a course in Rise; essentially, it's a prep course for a significant in-person training. It includes an informative video, some useful downloads, some general logistics, etc.—all very easy and basic stuff.

But this is a training course that gets offered continually throughout the year, with large numbers of trainees in a rolling admissions kind of way. Each online training comes with its own unique Teams link, which is generated by and specific to the particular trainer and date for that instance. 

Currently, I have an html email template that trainers use, and in it they can update the links pretty easily directly in the email template. I want to do away with the html email, however, and host the info in a learning module instead.

My question is: is there some magic way by which the Rise course can live online (hosted as a webpage) and include the Teams links in a way that can be easily updated (not by me, lol)?

One idea I've had is to include a permalink in the Rise course that goes to a basic webpage where the links can stay updated.

But am I missing some other obvious or not-so-obvious solution?  

  • Hello Micah, 

    Thanks for reaching out!

    In my opinion, I think you were able to get everything spot on. You cannot make any changes to a Rise 360 course after it has been published. 

    You can try using a Rise 360 embed block to embed a Google Form in your course that contains your Team links if this is a suitable workaround for you. I'll let other members of the community chime in to see if they have more dynamic workarounds that they'd be willing to share!