Forum Discussion
Going full screen
Another newbie question. I noticed in a lot of your showcase examples that they don't
really go full screen. Can Storyline adapt itself to go full screen and then back to limited
screen? Is there a 100% versus a 600 pixels kind of thing?
62 Replies
Storyline doesn't have the toggle option that Articulate Presenter does, if that's what you're asking. The output is going to be based on your story size & publish options. There is a "full screen" option when playing on a mobile device inside the Articulate Mobile Player but it honestly doesn't make a whole lot of difference.
Not sure if that answered your question or not.
I'm looking at doing an immersive type simulation or story walk thru.
Having the option to go full screen would really be helpful. Can I add that
to a wish list somewhere. Many flash skins have that full screen option and
it's very useful also when watching videos.
Hi Ted,
Always feel free to share your input with us here. Thanks!
I'm looking at embedding storyline as an iframe into html pages in our LMS but was wondering if there was any way of allowing viewers to make the presentation full screen, as some of the text is very small when viewed within the iframe itself?
AndyCheck with your LMS for full screen capabilities. It may just be a setting on their end as it was for us.
Hi Andy,
There's nothing within Storyline that would allow you to do that at this time, but I agree that would be a cool feature request.
I second that -- need the ability to go full screen.
There's got to be a way of making the presentation bigger. If not, then this should be a priority, because it's not visibly appealing in it's current format.
Hey Robert!
Are you also hoping for a toggle presentation size option, or are you interested in increasing your story size from the start, because that is possible.
Hey, all -
Caught wind of this thread. There's a way but it requires adding an additional widget. Download the attached SWF. You can add it to your master slide. It will only work when published to HTML with the Flash output. Won't work with HTML5.
When the SWF is placed on your slide or master, the button toggles fullscreen or reverses the fullscreen.
This works for me. If you want something more fancy or custom (hotkeys, etc), hit me up. Can put something together relatively cheaply
Awesome, Steve.