Forum Discussion
GSAP, x-y transformation in the Modern Player
It looks like there are some matrix-related functions in slide.min.js, but I've got no idea what they are doing or how to hijack them; there may be a hidden built-in way of doing this, especially as Storyline is already using GSAP behind the scenes?
Transform matrixes are an entirely new concept to me, and honestly I feel it's a major step backwards that such things have to be calculated, that it's not baked into HTML5 so everything just works "automagically"
Completely agree on that with you. And as the Classic player doesnot have this issue...i might spend time to compare the slide.min.js of both players to figure out what functions do the sizing and positioning you state... it indeed is built in somewhere. When checking the code you will notice lots of references to timeline, gsap and tweens. So it indeed is inthere somewhere probably.