Forum Discussion

NomdeGuerre's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Have never got Storyline's Recording feature to work and give even a halfway decent output

In all my years of working in Storyline, I have never got Storyline's recording feature to give me anything usable. It has always been a sore disappointment and a waste of time.

This is one area in which I have to rely on other software such as Camtasia and (I am biting my tongue) Captivate. 

Why can't Articulate fix this such an important feature, is beyond my comprehension. From the threads I have read, almost everyone has the same issue. The first part of the solution is to admit there is a problem. I have never seen any support staff just plain and simply admit - This is a problem with the software and not the user. FYI, my recording attempts are of less than 2 minutes each. 

The only workaround I have had to use is to take screenshots using "another software" and then manually make it look as if it is a demo and/ or a Hands-on-Training exercise (but adding laborious programming) to it.

I am aiming for perhaps irrational optimism, that one of our community members or staff can offer a better explanation than...

- Does the machine have enough power (CPU) and RAM to handle it (Yes it does)

- Are you using two screens? No

- What browser are you using? Have tried and failed miserably on Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.

Can someone (staff and/or community member) please provide a suggestion or at least admit - it is not going to work - so stop trying till we fix the application. Thank you.

  • NomdeGuerre's avatar
    Community Member


    The worst part is Articulate has amazing support staff. Not sure, if you have ever dealt with them, but they are amazing.  You'll know exactly what I mean if you have ever dealt with Adobe = Nightmare from Hell.  Adobe's staff is incompetent beyond belief. Of the handful of top stars in their community (which is users not Adobe staff) who do provide good responses, but aside from that, Adobe is a mess. If you have even tried to see some their "Adobe Created" e-Learning on Captivate or RoboHelp...they come across as infomercials for products sales rather than e-learning training. The ones created by non-Adobe staff and community member stars are 1000% times better.

    Storyline is a far superior product than Captivate, except when it comes to doing a screen recording/demo or simulation. Screen recordings are a huge part of e-learning development, so how Articulate has gone this far without addressing it - puzzling. 

    That said, this one feature, recording, which for the life of me I can't understand  - why on earth Articulate doesn't just re-vamps it and first admit - Recording feature is a FUBAR and take a clean slate and just fix it from the ground up.  No more excuses and work around - Just Fix It!

    Matt, thanks for sharing your experience. Appreciate it.

  • Also had problems with Replay screen recording. The mouse-cursor appears 2cm away from where it was on the original screen (and on the preview). As I need to show how to navigate an online app, it's really completely disappointing. Also, it does not just show the mouse-cursor on the same place as the original was, but does not even grab the mouse position at all, rendring any post-production effect a manual painful experience. Camtasia, no problem. I cannot say I am a fan of Camtasia but one must admit, that for how bad it maybe at least the mouse-cursor is where it should, later on. Also, it does grab the metadata for the mouse movements.