Having trouble with Disabled State in Storyline 360
I'm working on a slide that has several layers that are shown when user clicks on objects on the base layer, however I don't want learners to be able to click on things until the timeline ends on the base layer. I also need to make sure that user cannot access my "back" and "next" buttons until all layers are viewed, so I set state of buttons to "hidden" then trigger to set to "Normal" only when state of all base layer objects is "Visited." The states I am using for base layer objects are Normal, Disabled and Visited. I have triggers on each layer to change the state of base layer objects to visited once timeline on respective layer ends.
What I've tried:
Set state of each object to disabled when timeline starts, then trigger to change state to normal when timeline ends. Result - if learner clicks object before timeline ends, next layer is shown and audio from base layer continues along with audio from object's layer.
Set state of each object to disabled when timeline starts, added hotspots with triggers to show layers. Result - learner cannot advance to layers until timeline ends on base layer (hotspots are at end of timeline), however, learner can click on "disabled" objects on base layer and then those convert to visited state even before the layer was visited.
So basically, it doesn't seem my "Disabled" states are staying disabled. I can't figure out if there is something going wrong with the software or if I'm just doing something wrong.