Forum Discussion

MettePausgaard's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Help with triggers

I am new to Articulate and are trying to create an interactive life wheel for my clients. I have run into the issue that if I want to change the level in one of the slices the rest disappears. 

It is only the Familie, kærlighed and hobbier/fritid slices that is working. 

Click on the number in one of the slices and it will be coloured in. If you want to reset a slice, then click the reset icon. 

Review link

I have built it with multiple triggers. Is there an easier way? 

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated :) 

  • Select level 4, and you will see that it works the way you want, but any other level makes other selections disappear. For each layer, go to the properties of the layer and deselect Hide Other Layers.

  • Hello Mette, 

    Thanks for reaching out! 

    If you're willing to share your project file here, I’m sure one of our talented community members will have suggestions for you try. 

  • Depends mostly on how you made it... hard to tell what the issue is without seeing your .story.

    I can imagine 2 roads you traveled.

    -Using Slide Layers for each step.
    If thats the case, then there are Slide Layer Properties. If one of these has the wrong setting on Visibility or Behaviour...well it will hide other SlideLayers.

    - Using States
    With States you need triggers to show and hide elements. So there might be something wrong with a trigger.

    But as said.... this is only guessing without seeing your actual .story.

    • MettePausgaard's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you so much and yes I have a feeling it is something in the layers but have not been able to figure out what it is. I have just posted the file and a link to the project. 

      • MathNotermans-9's avatar
        Community Member

        The zip you shared is the published content. Hard to check whats wrong. For that the .story file is needed. If you cannot share it publicly you either can send it directly to my email or create a smaller version with only the issue at hand in it.

        Kind regards,


  • Sounds like a true wheel of life of only parts of it work as planned :), but jokes aside, if you share your project file we can take a look.

  • THANK YOU!!!!! It works :) 

    Thank you to all your lovely and helpful E-Learning Heroes!