Forum Discussion

Stephanie's avatar
Super Hero
9 years ago

Here's how to change the START COURSE button and LESSON references in RISE

I just updated my website using Rise ( and made a few adjustments to the JavaScript since it isn't really a course. I changed the following:

·         START COURSE button change to FIND OUT WHY

·         DETAILS link to AT-A-GLANCE

·         Lesson x of xx to Idea x of xx

·         NEXT LESSON in footer to NEXT UP

·         Lesson x in footer to Idea x


To do this, I used the following steps:

  • Export as a non-LMS web page, download the zip file and extract it.
    Use a script editor like Notepad++ or Sublime to edit the content > lib > main.bundle.js file.
  • To change the START BUTTON, move to the top of the file and use search (Ctrl F) to find the statement: overview__button
    You'll see a statement like this on line 83:

    ("overview__button","brand--ui",{"brand--color":!c.src});return e.createElement(v.Link,s({className:p},i),n)}

    Change the n to be what you'd like the START COURSE button to display. Make sure you wrap it in quotes. For example:

    ("overview__button","brand--ui",{"brand--color":!c.src});return e.createElement(v.Link,s({className:p},i),"FIND OUT WHY")}

 Save the file and re-load the page to view the changes.


  • To change the DETAILS link, move slightly to the right on line 83 or use search (Ctrl F) to find the statement: overview__details-trigger-text

    You'll see a statement like this:

    e.createElement("span",{className:"overview__details-trigger-text brand--ui"},"Details"),

    Change "Details" to be what you'd like the details link to display, for example "AT-A-GLANCE" (keep the quotes in place).
  • To change the lesson wording at the top of each lesson, move to the top of the file and use search (Ctrl F) to find the statement: lesson-header__count. This should be on line 64.

    You'll see a statement like this:

    r.createElement("div",{className:"lesson-header__count"},"Lesson ",t," of ",n)),

Change "Lesson " to what you’d like to display. If you don’t want the lesson numbers, remove:  ,t," of ",n from the statement. For example:

r.createElement("div",{className:"lesson-header__count"},"Idea A")),


  • Finally, to change lesson wording at the bottom of each lesson, move to the top of the file and use search (Ctrl F) to find the second occurrence statement next-lesson__title. This should be on line 84.

    You'll see a statement like this:

    r.createElement(f.Link,{className:"next-lesson__link",to:"/list/"+encodeURIComponent(t),onClick:i},r.createElement("div",{className:"next-lesson__title brand--ui"},"Next ",u?"Lesson":""),r.createElement("div",{className:"next-lesson__name brand--ui"},u?"Lesson "+o+" - ":""," ",n)

Change "Next " and "Lesson" to what you’d like to display. For the row that displays beneath, change "Lesson " to what you’d like to display. If you don’t want the lesson numbers, remove: "+o+" (including the quotes) from the statement. For example:

r.createElement(f.Link,{className:"next-lesson__link",to:"/list/"+encodeURIComponent(t),onClick:i},r.createElement("div",{className:"next-lesson__title brand--ui"},"Next ",u?"Up":""),r.createElement("div",{className:"next-lesson__name brand--ui"},u?"Idea B - ":""," ",n)

  • Save the file and re-load the page to view the changes.
  • Hello All!

    Happy to announce that you can now customize the default text labels in Rise. This gives you the ability to make built-in course elements, such as buttons and lesson headers, say what you want them to say.

    Brian has started a great discussion here if you'd like to check it out and you can find our support documentation here.

    As always, we keep our Rise Version History up to date too.