Forum Discussion

MaryAdams-1fece's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Highlighting answer when the text entry is correct

I've been trying to build a demo of someone filling out a form as the questions on it are answered. On slide 1.4, you can type in the first name Jessica or the last name Messina and if they are correct, the outline around the word turns green. When it is incorrect, the outline turns red. It's working perfectly. However, when I try to do the same thing for slide 1.6, it will not work when I preview it. The first text entry box turns red, not matter what I type in. The other boxes don't change color at all. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? I've only been using Storyline for a week, so I'm kind of lost on how to correct it. Thank you!

  • Not a bad looking piece of work for the first week.

    The problem is that on slide 1.6, the outlines are not on the base layer, they are on the Continue layer, (which is confusingly labelled "Continue Slide"):

    They change state, but you can't see them because the layer is never shown. Move them to the base layer.

    Then, the trigger to show the Continue layer needs to be on the base. Until a layer is shown, it's triggers don't operate.

    If you want one of two entries to be correct, this trigger will work:

    However, if you are using not equal, if Text Entry 1 = 3, then it doesn't = 03 and vice versa. The "or" means if either one is true (not equal), then change the state to Incorrect. Even if the entry is "3" or "03", it can't be the other one. One is always not equal, which means that the trigger executes its action.

    Change the "OR" to "AND" and it will work. That means it has to be both "not 3" and "not 03" to turn the state to Incorrect.


  • I moved the outlines to the base layer. That was definitely a problem.  

    I deleted a bunch of things and tried again with the three text entry boxes, and now the last 2 work perfectly, but I can't get the first text entry to work. Any idea why it isn't working when the other ones are?

    Thank you so much for your help with this!

  • These two triggers refer to objects on the layer, rather than objects with the same name on the base.

    I made some other changes, to help prevent that problem, and to improve the work flow and make things easier. I believe that the simplest ways are the best. The layer is doing so little. I first deleted everything on the layer that is a duplicate of the base, and just let the base show through. Then I realized that the only thing on the layer is the continue button, so I deleted the layer and used the continue on the base.

  • Thank you so much! That was what I needed. I am finally done with this project besides going back and cleaning things up, adding labels, etc. I can't believe, and I feel incredibly lucky, that people like you are there to help out. Thank you again.