Forum Discussion

TonyBlando-0c58's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Hotbox Functionality On Paused Timeline

I've been working on a project where I place a hotbox over a video so the user can't pause/interact with it, then a continue button appears within the video, so I pause the video with a trigger until the user clicks a smaller hotbox over that continue button, to basically create a fake button. 

The issue I'm having is, I used a trigger to pause the timeline and video once the media completed, but on that paused frame if the user clicks the video, the video would restart but pause on the first frame, even though I have a hotbox there. Meaning the click on the video is still registering, regardless of my hotbox. So, I don't think the hotbox is being considered on the paused frame. 

To solve this, I moved the pause to a cuepoint a few seconds before the end of the timeline/video to account for the added frame the user might continue to if they click anywhere on the paused frame that isn't the button I made. 

TL;DR - Shouldn't the hotbox still block clicks / prevent any interaction with the video, even on a paused timeline? Does anyone else have this issue? Do your hotboxes work on paused timeline?

Thank you!
