Forum Discussion

LauraFotherg185's avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

How can I extend a storyline block in Rise 360, to be the same size as a scenario block in Rise 360?

I'm working on a Rise module that has a interactive storyline component. I've inserted the storyline block to Rise, chosen the published storyline file from Review 360, and also adjusted the available sizing. However, I really like the panoramic sizing that the scenario blocks come with. 

How can I best replicate the scenario block size IN my Storyline player/Storyline block? 

I've tried a few times to change slide size in Storyline, but that didn't seem to work. Is there a way to get into the code or adjust the size of the storyline block itself? 

I've attached some images to help show what I mean. The Storyline Block file is what I have, the Scenario Block file is what I want which is like edge to edge on the screen!

  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    In Rise, you have three size settings for Storyline blocks. 

    • Small
    • Medium
    • Full width

    Full width should do what you need.


  • Thanks Karl - ya that's what I'm using, but I'd like it to be panoramic not just a big square. 

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      You will have to do some trial and error in Storyline to get your Storyline blocks to display exactly the way you want to see it in Rise.

  • HeatherRoss's avatar
    Community Member

    LauraFotherg185, I want to do the same thing! I ran out of characters in the scenario, so I created a multiple-choice question in Rise and would love for it to look like a scenario.