Forum Discussion

BrianneVanLeeuw's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

How to change hover states on a group of items

Hello friends! I have grouped together shapes and icons into one item on my slides, and I want them to change the hover state on the entire group, but it seems that it will only register the hover on the shapes and not the icons.

I've tried grouping and regrouping but nothing seems to work.

Storyline file attached to show what I mean! When you hover over the white icon, nothing happens so the learner will have to click the circle around it. 

Thank you!!

  • Is the Sustainability group a model for how other groups should function? This particular group does not contain any subgroups. Consider setting up the other groups in a similar manner. Check the video attached. 

  • Select everything, right click, and Export as Image. Then in your favorite image editor (I prefer Paint.Net), make all the states you need (Normal, Selected, Hover,etc.). Save each as a separate image. In SL, import all the images. Copy the Hover image, edit the normal image, create a Hover state, and paste the Hover image. Repeat as necessary.

  • Groups in SL do not play nicely with triggers, hovering, or states, as you may have noticed. The only really reliable solution is to copy everything, and paste them all into the state, so they react as one object.

  • So sorry, I am not able to copy and paste them all into one state. The icons are also made up of several freeform objects! 

    Is there a better way? Can I do this with an image?