Forum Discussion

Gregory's avatar
Community Member
4 days ago

How to correct typos in a storyline content without disrupting learning sessions running in the LMS?

We maintain a lot of content and often have to correct spelling mistakes or add a sentence. The errors are purely cosmetic and we explicitly do not expect learners to rework the content because of these changes. How can we republish content created with Storyline so that learners retain their learning status in the LMS?

  • JHauglie's avatar
    Community Member

    I doubt that you can do this, despite the apparent minimal scope of the proposal.

    Any LMS will track packages - start (initiation), progress, completion. Republishing the package effectively interrupts the process so that it must start again.

    I don't know enough about an LRS to conclude whether small editorial tweaks would have the same effect, but I suspect they would.

    You are probably better off expanding your pool of reviewers before you publish the content in the first place.

  • JoeFrancis's avatar
    Community Member

    It depends on the flexibility of the LMS, and what import/update options you as the admin are provided with. When I administrated SumTotal and Absorb LMS', I was able to push revisions without necessarily triggering a reset of the in-progress learners. With Cornerstone SBX (aka Saba), any change, no matter how seemingly-inconsequential, triggers a reset of all in-progress learners. It's all in how strictly the LMS reacts to changes to the imsmanifest.xml file. 

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      This is entirely a LMS issue.

      Most Learning Management Systems will automatically treat any updated SCORM of an existing course in the LMS, as a brand new version. This will reset the progress of all learners and they would all have to redo the entire course.

      There is a handful of Learning Management Systems that give you two choices when uploading a replacement SCORM:

      • Treat this as a new version that resets student progress and requires all students to redo the course 
      • Treat this as a minor update version. Student progress will be retained. 


      Fortunately our LMS has the minor update version option. 

      • Gregory's avatar
        Community Member

        Our LMS is not the problem, as we have full control over possible update processes.

        The problem is, that by republishing the content, after minor textual corrections the content changed in a way, that it was not compatible with existing learn progress.

        It seems, that every republishing generates new ids in content. Maybe this breaks the compatibility.

        Of course we could try to do the corrections in generated Content, but this is a bad idea, as we need the changes in the master, because from time to time we need to implement major updates, where we need all minor changes too.

  • Gregory's avatar
    Community Member

    Our LMS is not the problem, as we have full control over possible update processes.

    The problem is, that by republishing the content, after minor textual corrections the content changed in a way, that it was not compatible with existing learn progress.

    It seems, that every republishing generates new ids in content. Maybe this breaks the compatibility.

    Of course we could try to do the corrections in generated Content, but this is a bad idea, as we need the changes in the master, because from time to time we need to implement major updates, where we need all minor changes too.