Forum Discussion
How to get a Text Entry field to auto-focus when a layer loads
Daing, I wish I could recall what I did to fix this but it was a while ago and I had to rush onto other things and didn't put my solution in here.
Looking now at the file that was previously NOT working and IS now focusing properly, I can't see any evidence of what I did to get it working so I'll just share how I have it set up so that even that information may help others.
- My Text Entry field is on a separate layer that gets triggered to Show when the learner clicks on a button. For my slide, I only have the base layer and the "Admin Access" layer (that has the Text Entry field and 6 other objects on it).
- The layer properties only has "Hide other slide layers" ticked (nothing else)
- The Text Entry field is currently sitting 5th from the top of 7 elements (so it's NOT on top or on the bottom). Even when I send the field to the top or bottom of the object layering (when on bottom, that puts it under other objects) the cursor is flashing, ready for input, when I preview it.
- I don't have any special triggers set up to try and give it focus
- The Focus Order shows that the Text Entry field is 7th from the top so nothing altered/special there.
Basically, I now have no idea why it's working. From memory, I was desperately stabbing around trying all sorts of things to get it to work (when I first created this thread) and, if my memory serves me correctly, it somehow just started to work so I copied the layer to other projects, as needed.
Sorry I can't offer anything more definitive. If I figure it out at a later date, I'll drop a note in here.
Rgds, Brett