How to Submit Highest Score to LMS from Multiple Quiz Attempts
We currently have a 10-question quiz built in Storyline 360, using Storyline's built in quiz feature, that offers the learner 3 attempts to pass with a score of 75% or higher. Most of our learners will close the course after receiving their first passing score and not use anymore quiz attempts. However, some of our learners like to use remaining quiz attempts to get a higher passing score if they didn't obtain what they wanted the first time around.
The problem is that we've noticed that our LMS (WBT Systems: Top Class) and SCORM Cloud will only record the latest quiz attempt score from the xAPI file and not the highest passing score for the learner. For example, if a learner got a 50% on the first attempt, an 80% on the second attempt, and a 70% on the third attempt, our LMS and SCORM Cloud both only show the 70% failing score for the learner (even though the learner did in fact pass with an 80% on their second attempt). Another curveball is that we also have plenty of Rise courses (also published using xAPI) in our Top Class LMS that all submit a learner's highest passing score and not the score from the last attempt. Furthermore, this behavior in Rise occurs by default and we didn't setup any extra settings to make this happen.
After reaching out to WBT Systems, they told us this is something we'd have to setup on our end in Storyline, but we have consistently seen online that it's an LMS setting. So is there some setting we're missing in Storyline that would allow us to submit the learner's highest quiz score attempt or is there some Javascript we'd need to write on our results slide to make this happen? Or is this truly an LMS setting?
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!