Forum Discussion
I'm trying to get a different audio clip to play after navigating back to my main menu to introduce each section
No, it should not work the same. The way you have it setup, it the learner returns after viewing Lesson 1, the variable is True, and Audio 1 plays. Then, the system keeps going down the trigger list, but Lesson 2 has not been viewed, so it doesn't play Audio 2. Then the learner views Lesson 2 and returns. When the timeline starts, it plays Audio 1 (since Lesson1Viewed is true), and it plays Audio 2 since Lesson2Viewed is now true. In fact, if you were to test by viewing all the lessons, you would probably hear all the audios playing at once. Each time the timeline starts, the system checks all the triggers associated with the timeline starting. Since the variables are never changed back to False, all the conditions are true, and all the triggers are executed.
Sam's suggestion works because his variable contains the number of the next Audio to play.
But I wonder about this scenario: The learner visits Lesson 1, and returns. They hear the introduction to lesson 2. But since you have the very admirable intent to make the course learner-centric, they decide to view lesson 3. Now, when they return to the menu, do they hear the Lesson 2 introduction again, or the introduction to lesson 3, which they have just viewed?
My personal preference would be to play the introduction to the Lesson when the menu option is clicked. Then jump to that section When the media (audio) ends, Seems to me to make more sense, while allowing them to choose the lessons in a non-linear fashion, and without you having to keep track of which audio to play.