Forum Discussion

TeisiaWantuch's avatar
12 months ago

Introducing Enhanced Statement Blocks

Based on your feedback, we've introduced even more formatting options to even more blocks! 

About a month ago, we introduced new enhancements for text blocks, giving you greater control over how your training looks. Now we're applying that same design philosophy to statement blocks so that you make an even bigger impact!

Now, in addition to the content width and block padding formatting options, you can change the size of the divider (if there is one), adjust the padding around the divider, or turn the divider off altogether. This applies to all statement blocks. 

If you prefer to make an impact with note blocks, then you'll love the new icon and note size options. The note icon scales with the size of the block or you can turn off the icon altogether. 

We're excited to bring you these new formatting options and are looking forward to providing even more in the future. In the meantime, let us know how you feel about these new statement block formatting features in the thread below. What else are you hoping to see from enhanced block formatting?

We're looking forward to your feedback.

  • NishaMakan's avatar
    Community Member

    Love these new enhancements! I've turned the divider off but when I export to PDF the divider is still visible in the exported PDF.

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hello Nisha, 

      Sorry to hear that you ran into this snag. I can replicate the behavior on my end so I reported this issue to our engineering team as a bug in Rise 360. I've added this community post to the report so we can notify you when a fix is released. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, and our apologies for the inconvenience. 

    • LaurenDuvall's avatar

      Hello Nisha!

      We have fixed this in Rise 360! Please let me know if you're still seeing the divider when exporting to PDF and the divider is turned off.

  • Tim_'s avatar
    Community Member

    Being able to set that note icon would have been great, even if it was from a predefined list (e.g. the same list as used in the Labelled Graphic would be enough for me).

  • Hi there, I couldn't find a dedicated space for answering questions on Reach 360, so I am posting here in case someone is able to respond. 

    Basically I have created a course with four lessons in Rise, each one of which contains several quizzes in different sections of the lesson(s). I published it in Reach just to see what the view of the available Report Data is for learners. 

    The problem is that I cannot receive any feedback on 'Quiz' after I implement the lesson. Is there a reason that this happens? Maybe I am doing something wrong

    Hi there, I am trying to use Reach 360 and went I go to Manage the report doesn't include data about the Quiz

    my side?

    Thank you in advance.  

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member


      If you have created "quizzes" inside of your Lessons, those are most likely Knowledge Check block questions.

      Rise Quizzes exist at the same level as Lessons, so you will see them on the Course Menu, and quizzes consist of a collection of questions.

      It seems that have created questions within Lessons, and have no actual quizzes, which is why you are not seeing any data for Quizzes.

  • As of this morning, our subheadings with paragraph blocks are missing texts in the last block of our courses (45).

    Subheadings with paragraphs (and bullets) have been magically turned into subheadings only. When we change it back to a subheading with a paragraph it does not bring the text back. We have a block template containing the text. When added it strips the bulleted content off. Any suggestions?

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hi Renee,

      Sorry to hear that you ran into this issue. Our engineering team has notified us that this incident has been addressed on the backend. You don't need to remake any content to restore what it previously looked like but feel free to open a case with our support team here if you need any additional assistance.

      Let us know if you still run into this issue, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

      • ReneePaskell-bd's avatar
        Community Member

        thank you.

        I understand that new behavior was introduced but it should not have affected existing content. Feature enhancement should not be disruptive.

        Thank goodness our file blocks have been restored and block templates work as they should.


  • I would love to be able to change the icon.

    perhaps have an option for note, question, warning etc.

  • For accessibility - the information "i" image in Note blocks is hidden from screen readers, however this is a ,meaningful image - would it be possible to change it so it can be recognised by screen readers?