Forum Discussion

MichaelWest's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

In Try Mode/Test Mode Storyline 360 keeps "hiding" my test entry fields and I have to manually move them into place.

I'm working on a software simulation, which includes a segment where the learner is expected to enter some text. I couldn't figure out why it wouldn't let me enter any text when I previewed it, and I was repeatedly messaged with "INCORRRECT." Toom me a while, but here's what I figured out...

This box here is where the entry should go...

I finally figured out the text entry field isn't there. Instead, if you look reeeeeeal closely, you can see a little handle in the top-left corner of the workspace. Here. Let's zoom in...

See that little square in the middle of the red circle? That's my text entry field, all collapsed in on itself like a dying star. That's where my text entry field ends up after my screen captures. So I have to resize and then move it into place.

Is there a way to get it to the correct spot and size without manually having to adjust it?

I don't know if that's what dying stars actually do, but it sure sounded pretty.

  • Hi Michael,

    So sorry you're hitting this snag! Great job with the troubleshooting so far (and the dying star analogy is cute). I found a related post that you might find helpful. So as not to repeat what my colleague Crystal has said, I'm sharing a link to it:

    Missing text-entry interaction in Try-Mode project

    It looks like you're using a browser to record the screen, so the recommendation is to use Firefox to get a better result.

    Let me know if this helps!

  • MichaelWest's avatar
    Community Member

    Firefox did indeed work. Thank you.

    Any chance this will be remedied any time soon?

  • Hi Michael,

    We don't have control over how Google Chrome communicates information to the Windows Accessibility API, which is how Storyline knows what to include in screen recordings. But I'm delighted to hear that Firefox works better for you!

    Thanks for sharing what you see on your end!