Forum Discussion
Is it possible to disable certain built-in xAPI Statements being sent to a LRS?
We are currently trialing Storyline 360 ( but have been using Storyline since v1) and found an unusual issue when publishing to xAPI in regards to a particular verb statement it sends multiple times on every single slide viewed.
My company currently uses CSOD (Cornerstone On-Demand) for our LMS and LRS.
While viewing an xAPI course uploaded to CSOD we open up the Developer Tools panel then the Network tab in the latest Chrome browser. Then we can see the xAPI statements being sent to the LRS on CSOD.
But one xAPI verb statement returns a 403 status every time it's sent to the LRS and that statement is sent something like 6 or 7 times PER SLIDE viewed.
That verb is: leave
Here is a list of xAPI verbs that CSOD can accept from an xAPI package:
As you can see "leave" is not one of the supported verbs. The response from the LRS says as much. ""This verb 'http:\/\/\/schema\/1.0\/leave' is not a supported verb. Please check our supported verbs on the Online Help""
Looking deeper in to the payload of the statement in the Network tab, verb "left" is being used with: in the bootstrapper.min.js file.
Is it possible to disable certain statements from being sent to the LRS, without having to manually edit the published bootstrapper.min.js file so that statement isn't sent automatically?
- AdminJumpMathCommunity Member
I join this request, and it seems to me that 2 years are too long to not be able to incorporate a solution to this problem.
- DavidHolzemer-7Community Member