Forum Discussion

John-Orlando's avatar
Community Member
12 years ago

Is there a way to align the endpoint of the duration of an object?

I noticed that there are a variety of ways to set the starting point of an object's duration on the timeline--hitting "alight to playhead" or "Alight to cuepoint"--but I don't see any similar way to set the endpoint.  When I hit a spot on the timeline where I want an object to end, I have to open up the timing on that object, and just do the math of subtracting the timeline location from the starting point to find the duration, and entering the duration.  

Is there any way to simply specify the endpoint of an object's appearance similar to how you specify the starting point? 

Some background.  I find that with the math tutorials that I set up, it's easier to enter all of the numbers and equations as textboxes first, then record my narration, and sync the object appearances to the narration.

This means that I don't know when an object will start or end when I set it up. 

Setting the starting point is easy as I go along.  I just play the narration, stop it whenever I want something to start, and alight the starting point to the playhead.  But I can't do that with the ending point.  

While I could scroll to the end of the timeline, grab the end of the object, and drag it back, that would take a while, and so doing the math is quicker.  But an ending function like the starting functions would be much quicker still.

Is there anything like that?
