Forum Discussion

LudovicaLanzill's avatar
Community Member
10 months ago

Issue with quiz navigation: returing to question without audio and timeline wait

I would like to modify the quiz navigation so that when a user selects an incorrect answer, they are immediately returned to the question without the audio playing and without having to wait for the timeline to finish. This would improve the user experience and streamline the learning process.

Currently, I've set up triggers to control the audio playback and timeline behavior, but the problem arises when there are more than one quiz between slides.

Here's how I've configured the triggers:

  • I've set a variable to false by default.
  • Trigger 1: Adjust the variable to true when the text-to-speech audio completes.
  • Trigger 2: Play the text-to-speech audio when the timeline starts on this slide if the variable is false.
  • Trigger 3: Jump to the cue point (last second of the timeline's slide) when the timeline starts on this slide if the variable is true.

These triggers work as intended when there's only one quiz between slides. However, when I include multiple quizzes (example: three quizzes across three slides, one after the other) starting from the second quiz onward, neither the audio nor the timeline waits, even on the first occurrence of the slide.

So i tried again. Here's the latest trigger configuration I've tried:

  1. Created a variable set to false by default.
  2. Trigger 1: Adjusted the variable to false when the timeline starts on this slide.
  3. Trigger 2: Jump to the cue point (last second of the timeline's slide) if the variable is true.
  4. Trigger in the Incorrect Layer: Adjusted the variable to true when the user clicks "try again."

(n.b. Each slide has its own set of variables to avoid conflicts!!)

Unfortunately, this trigger setup seems to have exacerbated the issue. Not only are slides with multiple quizzes affected, but also those with only one quiz.

I've meticulously reviewed the trigger configurations for any potential conflicts but have been unable to identify the root cause of the problem.

Has anyone else encountered similar challenges with sequential quizzes and attempted different trigger configurations? I would greatly appreciate any advice or insights on how to resolve this issue effectively.

  • Hello Ludovica,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    The community will be in a better position to help you out if you upload a copy of your project file here for testing. We'll be able to take a look at your slide setup this way, as well as advise on how to achieve the design requirements you shared!