Forum Discussion

LisaDAmato's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Issues with publishing courses to web - Storyline 3

I am new at storyline with no formal training.  I am updating a course created by the person who was in my job before, got my edits done and previewed it and it worked fine.  When I publish it to the web and go to view it, all it does is spin like it is loaded and doesn't ever play.  Any ideas why?  Thanks

  • Hi Lisa,

    Sorry to hear that you ran into this snag. 

    There are times when loading issues are caused by the presence of corrupted data in the project, a faulty result slide, or something else entirely, and in order to identify the exact cause, we'll need to take a look at the project file. 

    Would you be willing to share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case for testing? We'll delete it when we're done!

      • JoseTansengco's avatar

        Hello Lisa, 

        I can confirm that both Storyline 3 and Storyline 360 are capable of publishing courses for web distribution, so something else is most likely causing the publishing of your courses to fail. 

        One test that you can do is to open a new project file and attempt to publish this to web, are you successful? If yes, then the behavior you're experiencing is most likely file specific and we'll need to take a look at them in order to figure out what's wrong. 

        Also, your contact information came through as well. This Peek video will show you how to edit it out if you’d like!