Forum Discussion

BeckyLiu-Katz's avatar
Community Member
6 months ago

Layer will not show - Trigger issue? Variable issue? Condition issue?


I received wonderful advice for my matching memory game recently, and am back with another conundrum.

I have a layer of balloons that animate across the screen when all matches are made. That's what's supposed to happen, anyway.

Originally I had a trigger to show that balloon layer shows when matches=6. It worked, except, the final Match Correct layer (whichever match was clicked last) wouldn't appear - as soon as the 2 cards were clicked and the variable Matches changed to 6/6, the balloons appeared. 

I am trying to create triggers so that the balloons only appear AFTER all the Match Correct layers have shown so the user can get all the information. 

I created a variable called visited, which is true when all the Layer1-6MatchCorrectShown=true.

But now the balloons don't show at all. I need help sorting out the triggers. I know I'm forgetting something, but can't quite work out how to make the balloons appear after ensuring all the Match Correct layers have been shown. 

Thank you for all your help!

I am adding a file, and the memory game is on Slide 2.11 - Refrigerator Match. I tried to export a single slide but it wouldn't give me a .story file - just the individual pieces of the file. If anyone can help me export individual slides that result in a .story file, I'd love to know that as well. 

Thank you, thank you!

  • Hi Becky!

    You have the right triggers but in the wrong places. You want to adjust the variable 'visited' on the layers, since that's where the user will be. You were trying to adjust that variable based on layermatch1 changing, but only if all of the other layermatch variables were already true. You also need to drop your "hide layer" trigger to the bottom of the trigger order on each match layer. I made a couple edits, was able to successfully see the balloon layer, and the file is attached here!