Forum Discussion

LoriBreningm562's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

Line and paragraph spacing in Rise

Hello, we are using Rise 360 to develop an eRead and having a difficult time adjusting the spacing on each page. I'd like to adjust the spacing withing paragraphs and between paragraphs. Please see attached. This program is over 100 pages long and it becomes a challenge to read this way. 

Thanks in advance for your assistance with this!

  • TomPile's avatar
    Community Member

    Come on, people. The ability to adjust line spacing is a necessary feature. Why is this so hard?

  • +1 on this from me. Been turning a blind eye to the lack of line spacing options for a good few years now, but every now and then a client will ask why, for instance, bullet spacing looks more cramped than the body text it is next to, or a header running across two lines looks too spaced out. Having to explain that it's 'just what the software does' always feels like a bit of a cop out.

  • Hi all,  I'm responding to this post from several years ago and it still looks like you still can't customize the line spacing without going into the HTML. Is that correct?

  • Adding my support to this, I have copied and pasted text into a table and it has converted to double line space and I am unable to edit it.  Hope it is easy to add this feature soon.